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vibration analysis magnifying glass part 3

Balancing Rotating Equipment: Static vs Dynamic (Series)

August 5, 2021

This blog post continues an 8-part series on vibration analysis written by Dr. Sara McCaslin & Nolan Crowley, Business Development Manager at HECO. Dr. Sara McCaslin: Sara has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. Sara has also taught materials science, manufacturing, and mechanical system design at the University of …

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vibration analysis magnifying glass part 2

Vibration Analysis Equipment: Sensors and Hardware (Series)

July 23, 2021

This blog post continues an 8-part series on vibration analysis written by Dr. Sara McCaslin & Nolan Crowley, Business Development Manager at HECO. Dr. Sara McCaslin: Sara has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. Sara has also taught materials science, manufacturing, and mechanical system design at the University of …

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vibration analysis magnifying glass part 1

Vibration Analysis Training: Who’s Doing Your Analysis? (Series)

July 20, 2021

This blog post continues an 8-part series on vibration analysis written by Dr. Sara McCaslin & Nolan Crowley, Business Development Manager at HECO. Dr. Sara McCaslin: Sara has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. Sara has also taught materials science, manufacturing, and mechanical system design at the University of …

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Photo of a man with a question mark for a head - confused maintenance manager

What’s the Average Lead Time on Electric Motor Repairs?

July 8, 2021

What’s the average lead time on electric motor repairs? That question comes up often and can be difficult to answer. The lead time for a motor repair depends on several factors. If you want a repair that increases the reliability of your motor, it’s almost impossible to provide an accurate lead time estimate before knowing …

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word chart for asset management system for plant floor

Is Your Equipment Asset Management System Ready to Save the Day?

June 17, 2021

I2021-06-Asset management system for plant floor-06-17-2021t has always amazed me how unprepared some businesses are in the event of a breakdown of critical equipment. These unplanned plant shutdowns can have a tremendous financial impact costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour. Almost every time that we help one of our clients through one …

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diagram of vertical flange runout for electric motor

Do Vertical Flange Mount Electric Motors Need to Be Aligned?

May 12, 2021

During failure investigations we often see misalignment on vertical motors as the failure mode and when we ask for alignment readings at time of installation, we often hear that the “motor and the base have a register fit and alignment isn’t required”. This is far from the truth. Let’s look at why alignment should at …

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image of degaussing a shaft for electric motor repair

Magnetic Degaussing: Why it is Critical for Electric Motor Repair?

May 4, 2021

One of the extra steps we can perform at HECO when performing repairs, maintenance, or rebuilds on your electric motors is magnetic degaussing. While some may feel this step is unnecessary, experience has taught us that it can help prolong the life of your bearings and your motor! Why Magnetic Degaussing of Motor Components is …

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image of vendor partnerships for electric motor procurement

Why Vendor-Manufacturer Partnerships are Important to End-Users

April 29, 2021

You’re trying to select a vendor to perform some repairs (and possibly a rebuild) on one of the critical yet problematic motors in your facility. You’ve received some good bids and are reviewing the vendors under consideration when you notice that one says they have a good relationship with the vendor of the motor you …

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Photo of a mechanical inspection of an electric motor

Mechanical Inspection of Electric Motors: What Really Matters?

January 13, 2021

When it comes to inspecting electric motors, it’s not just the electrical components that are important. The mechanical aspects of a motor are extremely important to its performance, which is why mechanical inspection of electric motors is so important. Critical Fits for Electric Motors Electric motor inspection, when done correctly, always includes a mechanical inspection. …

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GE Ultra 841

Considerations when repairing a Two-Pole (3600 RPM) Electric Motor

December 16, 2020

Two-pole motors can be more challenging to repair because of the vibration issues that can be related to the units operating at higher speeds, which means there are special tests that need to be performed on them. Without checking characteristics such as runout and roundness, there is a chance that vibration won’t show up until …

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