Remote Condition Monitoring
What is Remote Condition Monitoring?
The definition of condition monitoring is the process of monitoring a parameter of condition in machinery (vibration, temperature etc.), in order to identify a significant change which is indicative of a developing fault. Remote Condition Monitoring (RCM), such as APOLLO, uses internet-based technology (sensors, platforms, etc.) to gather the data and relay the information to wherever it is needed.
Typically, remote condition monitoring involves buying a sensor, connecting it to the manufacturer’s associated web or app, then waiting for a report explaining the situation.
The sensor is sold as the solution, but that’s a mistake. A sensor is just a piece of equipment.
The sensor doesn’t automatically provide recommendations based on experience and insight. The sensor won’t advise changing a motor, or balancing a fan. It won’t recommend changing a bearing or performing an alignment. That takes a professional.

HECO knows that sensors are a tool. Not a solution.
In fact, according to IHS Markit, Global Market Update, 2019 “46% of companies are trialing or have deployed IIoT projects. But almost half of those IIoT projects fail.”

Apollo IIoT Solutions—Part of the Package.
Instead of selling a platform or sensor (which could become outdated before you know it), HECO offers APOLLO. An all encompassing solution that utilized the best in sensor technology to deliver a tangible result, all backed by an unmatched guarantee.
Reliability Maintenance is Good Medicine
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